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Texas HQ: 4009 Banister Ln, Ste 265 Austin, TX 78704


The Texas Education Agency (TEA) has partnered with MIND Education to provide educators and K-5 students with free access to ST Math available through Texas Home Learning until December 15,2023.

ST Math is TEKS aligned and research based – and schools see proven, repeatable results. 

Sign Up Now

online-tutor-iconHigh Dosage Tutoring with Texas Teachers Powered by ST Math
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What is ST Math?


ST Math is a PreK, K-5, and Middle School visual instructional program that leverages the brain's innate spatial-temporal reasoning ability to solve mathematical problems.

With ST Math, students build deep conceptual understanding, and schools see proven, repeatable results. 

How It Works Play Games

2022 STAAR Impact

Download ST Math Impact Study Executive Summary

Read Press Release


TEA/ST Math Trainings and Webinars

ST Math Launch: Develop a Strong Start and Explore New Features Tues, Aug 22 | 4-5pm CST Register
ST Math Launch: Develop a Strong Start and Explore New Features Wed, Sept 6 | 5-6pm CST Register
ST Math Texas Overview & Implementation Tools for Administrators Wed, Oct 4 | 10-11am CST Register
ST Math Texas Overview & Implementation Tools for Administrators Tues, Nov 14 | 10-11am CST Register


National Webinars

Teacher Talks

ST Math Overview for Texas
is a free, instructor-led, live webinar offered monthly.
Watch the Recorded ST Math
General Overview Webinar



"We use ST Math to help empower our students to reach their maximum potential in math. ST Math's unique approach allows students to build problem-solving skills and increase deeper conceptual understanding, all while helping their new friend JiJi."

Mary Lankford, Director
STEM Academy | Sinton ISD

Brazosport ISD logo for ST Math Visual Math Program testimonial
Tara Fulton, Principal
Polk Elementary | Brazosport, TX

Success Stories



Hear more from Texas educators using ST Math




ST Math Impact in Texas














With more than 100,000 students and 350+ schools using ST Math in the Lone Star State, nearly 1.3 million students and 5,000+ schools in 48 states across the country are making more learning happen. ST Math has proven its impact nationwide on test scores and students’ attitudes toward mathematics.










Texas Districts Using ST Math

 Check out the ST Math impact at schools and districts
across the country.



Districtwide Gains in Elementary STAAR Approaches/Meets/Masters







STAAR Scores Soar

A recent analysis for Brazosport ISD revealed that their district wide elementary adoption of ST Math has led to significant gains in students scoring Approaches, Meets, and Masters on STAAR. This large-scale study, which included over 5,000 students using ST Math, compared district accountability scores from 2013 (pre-ST Math) to 2019.

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Seeing was Believing for this Diverse District


Brazosport ISD, Texas

This district found on the Gulf Coast of Texas wasn't necessarily looking for a new math program but the tide turned when they visited a nearby campus where they saw students doing math with a little penguin named JiJi.

View Full Profile

Math Curriculum Meets the Diverse Needs of All Students

Killeen ISD, Texas

This diverse district with 47% of its population connected to the military looked to strengthen and support their math curriculum to meet the needs of all students, regardless of language level or confidence in math.

View Full Profile

TEKS Correlation

ST Math aligns with TEKS to ensure Texas students develop deep, conceptual understanding of math concepts to equip them for the challenges of the 21st century. Below is a small sample of ST Math puzzles that were designed to meet the rigorous demands of the Texas math standards.


play button

Understanding Addition and Subtraction within 10


Model the action of joining to represent addition and the action of separating to represent subtraction.

Standard: Number and Operations K.3A
Game: Push Box

play button

Foundations of Place Value

Grade 1

Use concrete and pictorial models to compose and decompose numbers up to 120 in more than one way as so many hundreds, so many tens, and so many ones.

Standard: Number and Operations 1.2B
Game: Alien Capture with Numerals

play button

Place Value Concepts

Grade 2

Use concrete and pictorial models to compose and decompose numbers up to 1200 in more than one way as a sum of so many thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones.

Standard: Number and Operations 2.2A
Game: Pulling Petals

play button

Intervals of Time

Grade 3

Determine the solutions to problems involving addition and subtraction of time intervals in minutes using pictorial models or tools such as a 15-minute event plus a 30-minute event equals 45 minutes.

Standard: Geometry and Measurement 3.7.C
Game: Time Unroll with Clocks

play button

Adding & Subtracting Fractions

Grade 4

Represent and solve addition and subtraction of fractions with equal denominators using objects and pictorial models that build to the number line and properties of operations.

Standard: Number and Operations 4.3.E
Game: JiJI Cycle Select Basket

play button

Using Parentheses

Grade 5

Describe the meaning of parentheses and brackets in a numeric expression.

Standard: Algebraic Reasoning 5.4.E
Game: Which Parentheses?

play button


Grade 6 (avail. for purchase)

Generate equivalent numerical expressions using order of operations, including whole number exponents and prime factorization. NOTE: ST Math grade 6 content is not included in Texas Home Learning but is available for purchase.

Standard: Expressions, equations, and relationships 6.7A
Game: Exponential Notation

play button

Polygon Angle Sums

Grade 7 (avail. for purchase)

Write and solve equations using geometry concepts, including the sum of the angles in a triangle, and angle relationships. NOTE: ST Math grade 7 content is not included in Texas Home Learning but is available for purchase.

Standard: Expressions, equations, and relationships 7.11C
Game: Missing Angle LI

play button

Graphing Linear Functions

Grade 8 (avail. for purchase)

Write an equation in the form y=mx+b to model a linear relationship between two quantiles using verbal, numerical, tabular, and graphical representations. NOTE: ST Math grade 8 content is not included in Texas Home Learning but is available for purchase.

Standard: Proportionality 8.5I
Game: Linear Balloons


Download the TEKS Correlation for a full view into how ST Math learning objectives target key grade-level concepts and skills.

Download TEKS Correlation

Play sample puzzles from the NEW ST Math.

Play Games 

Available Programs


Early Learning


A comprehensive math curriculum that meets the developmental and learning needs of the youngest students





A unique, visual web-based curriculum that is standards aligned and fits perfectly into any K-5 environment


Middle School Supplement


A supplemental middle school curriculum that includes personalized content and embedded diagnostic assessments, and is aligned to state standards




A focused program organized around foundational number system concepts instead of grade levels to prepare students for success in middle school math





A summer school curriculum for learning recovery, structured in 90-minute math blocks, 5 days a week for 5 weeks



ST Math Powered by VIPTeacher


Accelerate student learning through online high-impact, grade-level tutoring by teachers licensed in Texas. Meets requirements for accelerated learning initiatives, including HB4545 and TCLAS.




A standards-aligned curriculum for home use for PreK-8, with facilitation resources for families




Assessment Support Tool


A new tool to auto-assign intervention content to students based on their assessment scores from NWEA®  MAP® Growth, Renaissance Star Math, or other assessment providers.



Pre-K Math Focused on Problem Solving

ST Math Pre-Kindergarten is a comprehensive blended learning curriculum that includes the five mathematics domains identified in the Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines by TEA: counting skills, adding to/taking away skills, geometry and spatial sense skills, measurement skills and classification and patterns skills. The program combines:

  • ST Math Interactive Software
  • Teacher Manual with Weekly Plans
  • Storybook and Chant Posters
  • Manipulatives and Work Mats

Learn more about ST Math: Early Learning.



  • What is ST Math?

    ST Math is a PreK, K-5, and Middle School visual instructional program that leverages the brain's innate spatial-temporal reasoning ability to solve math problems. With ST Math, students build deep conceptual understanding, and schools see proven, repeatable results.  

    ST Math K-5 is included in Texas Home Learning; other grade level programs are available for purchase. 

    Whether distance learning, in the classroom, using a hybrid model, or at home, ST Math has been proven effective at keeping meaningful math learning happening for students. By design, its mastery-driven approach develops deep conceptual understanding at the student’s own pace, making ST Math just as powerful a learning tool outside the classroom as it is inside of it.

    ST Math’s nationwide effectiveness study meets What Works Clearinghouse QE and ESSA Tier 2 design requirements, and has won numerous awards, including two CODiE Awards in 2019 for Best Mathematics Instructional Solution for Grades PreK-8 and Best Overall Education Technology Solution. ST Math was also in the first cohort of programs to be recognized by Digital Promise for their research-based design and learner variability product certifications.

  • How do I sign up for ST Math as a part of Texas Home Learning?

    In response to COVID-related student learning needs, the Texas Education Agency (TEA) is funding ST Math for all K-5 students in Texas through December 2023. All Texans are eligible to participate. 


    Sign-Up Process for Schools and Districts:

    All public districts, private, and charter schools are eligible, including existing ST Math customers. Sign up using the form at the bottom of this page and you could be up and running in 2-3 weeks. 

    This partnership offered by TEA covers all software licensing costs for K-5 students and standard implementation. Additional grade levels, training, and professional services are available for purchase from ST Math. This partnership does not cover content access for PK, middle school (6th-8th grade), or in-person professional learning for specific schools/districts.


    Sign-Up Process for Families and Individuals:

    Families and individuals can sign up for access to ST Math as part of the Texas Home Learning program. 

    You will be asked to provide your district and school information. If that school is already signed up for ST Math access, you will receive access instructions. 

    If you are a homeschooling family, or your district/school is not already signed up for ST Math access, you will be provided access to the ST Math Homeschool program. 

  • Can existing ST Math customers leverage the TEA partnership with ST Math?

    In response to COVID-related student learning needs, ST Math K-5 is available through Texas Home Learning through December 15,2023.

    Schools and districts who currently have access to ST Math will receive free access to ST Math from the TEA and ST Math partnership. After registering for TEA access to ST Math, your current contract will automatically be paused during TEA-provided access. You will be contacted by your Education Partnerships Manager with more information.

  • I don’t want to overwhelm my teachers mid-year. Why should I sign up now?

    The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted student learning for the past 9+ months. ST Math has a strong track record of building deep math understanding whether students are in school or learning from home.

    While we do not suggest mandating ST Math for your teachers, we highly recommend making it available as an option for those teachers that would welcome an exciting, new instructional resource for students.

    Coordinating rostering at the district/school level ensures that administrators can monitor usage and progress across campuses while still allowing teachers to make instructional decisions.

  • What kind of training is available for districts new to ST Math?

    The professional learning available with the state purchase includes regional live webinars and asynchronous (self-guided) training modules. District/school-specific webinars, coaching, and other professional services are available for an additional cost.

  • How does ST Math support bilingual programs, Emergent Bilinguals, learning difficulties, and others?

    All students – regardless of language proficiency level, reading capability, or existing math knowledge – have the ability to think deeply about math concepts. But when math is presented only as words and numbers on a page, Emergent Bilinguals and students with special needs can get left behind.

    ST Math is a supplemental game-based instructional program that guides students of all abilities in visualizing math concepts. While there are some built-in assessments (available in English and Spanish), the vast majority of the ST Math content has no language.

    Generally, when words appear in the ST Math games, they are being presented as a label to the conceptual puzzle with which the student is engaged. The student will be able to work through the puzzle using visual reasoning. Therefore, if a label (i.e., “Quart” or “Gallon” or “More”) appears in English, it helps to begin building a connection between the concept and the language.

  • Why aren’t there any written or audio instructions?

    With visual learning, students are better equipped to tackle unfamiliar math problems, recognize patterns, and build conceptual understanding. Read more about our approach on our blog. 


  • More questions?

    You may have more questions about ST Math, including how it works for English learners, what kind of information is in the reports, and more. We've prepared a more detailed FAQ one-pager, which you can review and share with your district, school, and teachers.  


    See our FAQ One Pager

Meet the Team

We are a team of former educators with nearly 140 years of shared public school service. Now, we are dedicated to ensuring that all Texas students are mathematically equipped to solve the world’s most challenging problems with ST Math!


Regional Vice President
M.Ed., Director of Education Success, Texas
Senior Education Partnerships Manager
Ed.D., Education Partnerships Manager
Regional Implementation Manager
Phillips 66 Program Manager

M.Ed., Inside Partnerships Manager
M.Ed., Inside Partnerships Manager
Education Success Manager
M.Ed., Education Success Manager
Education Success Manager
Education Success Manager
Customer Success Manager
Education Success Consultant
Education Partnerships Associate
Professional Learning Specialist
M.Ed., Professional Learning Design Lead
ST Math Mascot
For more info

Contact the Team


ST Math is different. 

ST Math's unique, patented approach provides students with equitable access to learning through challenging puzzles, non-routine problem solving, and informative feedback.

Play Games


Funding Sources for ST Math

Interested in bringing ST Math to your students?
There are several funding options including the Texas Math Innovation Zones* grant.


Experience the power of visual learning with a free, 30-day ST Math® trial.

Request Demo

Proven Success in Math Achievement

Over 1 million students and 44,000 teachers in 45 states across the country
are currently using ST Math, which has proven its impact on test scores
and students’ attitudes toward mathematics.

Learn More


Upcoming Texas Events

May 16-18
South Padre Island Convention Centre
South Padre Island, TX

Exhibitor: Garrett Girouard

June 11-13
Omni Mandalay Hotel at Las Colinas
Irving, TX

Presence: J. Ivan Alfaro, Wendy Coffman & Garrett Girouard

June 13-15
Participation: Wendy Coffman

July 16-18
George R. Brown Convention Center
Houston, TX
Speaker: Nigel Nisbet & Brandon Smith
Experience the Power of ST Math!
Tablet showing sample app screen from ST Math Visual Math Program
Results at Scale
Schools using ST Math increased in statewide standardized test percentile rankings by over 10 points, while similar schools that didn’t use ST Math remained the same. Learn more about the impact ST Math has on student achievement.

Learn More

ST Math TEKS Alignment

ST Math® aligns with the TEKS to ensure Texas students develop deep, conceptual understanding of math concepts to equip them for the challenges of the 21st century. Below is a small sample of ST Math puzzles that were designed to meet the rigorous demands of the Texas math standards.   


Grade K
Numbers & Operations: K.3.A
Grade 2
Numbers & Operations: 2.6.B
Grade 4
Numbers & Operations: 4.3.E
Grade 7
Expressions & Equations: 7.10.B


Download the Texas Scope & Sequences for a full view into how ST Math learning objectives target key grade-level concepts and skills.

Download TEKS Correlation





Grade K
Numbers & Operations: K.3.A
Grade 2
Numbers & Operations: 2.6.B
Grade 4
Numbers & Operations: 4.3.E
Grade 7
Expressions & Equations: 7.10.B


Get Free Access to ST Math in Texas