
Expanded Learning

Solutions for acceleration, not remediation

Expand Your Reach

How do we get the most out of additional instructional time to make up for interrupted learning? Implement ST Math as your expanded learning program. 

Why ST Math:

1) Remediates schema, not isolated skills

2) All students access grade-level content

3) Develops a growth mindset

4) Promotes problem solving, regardless of language

5) Built on the neuroscience of how the brain learns


Summer School


ST Math Summer Immersion provides students in grades K-5 with an opportunity to accelerate math learning during the summer months. Students experience engaging and fun puzzles, lessons, and projects.

  • On grade-level development of content knowledge, reasoning skills, and growth mindset
  • Embedded professional development
  • Focuses on conceptual understanding, rather than a checklist of skills

Plan for Summer

Extended Day Learning


A flexible, ready-made, research-based math camp that fits summer school and after-school program schedules. As the facilitator, the teacher/counselor guides student-driven discourse and problem-solving that fosters essential skills development. 

ST Math Camp Journey (grades K-5)
Students benefit from engaging in learning experiences focused on developing problem-solving strategies and promoting mathematical discourse.

ST Math Camp Adventure (grades K-5)
Students benefit from engaging in learning experiences focused on logic and strategy.

ST Math Camp Game Design (grades 1-5)
Students benefit from learning engineering design principles.

Explore Math Camps




ST Math Tutoring Powered by VIPTeacher accelerates student learning through online high impact, grade-level tutoring by state certified teachers.

  • Removes the barriers that prevent students from accessing on-grade level content
  • Lesson sets focus on key foundational skills for each grade level
  • State certified teachers support and guide students, facilitating discourse and thinking.

Tutoring with ST Math

Family Engagement



MathMINDs Math Week is a free, all-community event facilitated through a localized math week webpage. The content is centered around storybooks that use real events from different cultures at different points in history to both share the narrative that math is from everywhere and to teach families how to play a corresponding math game. To date, over 25,000 families have participated across 23 Math Weeks.

Play Free Games


Family Workshops

For schools and districts using ST Math, the family workshop is a great way to engage families in the neuroscience-based approach to learning math. Families will discover how learning occurs in ST Math and how to monitor and support students in the program at home. The workshops can be added as part of an ST Math Professional Learning plan.

See Professional Learning




"ST Math is changing Club members’ relationships with numbers. It’s teaching our next generation to approach math equations with confidence and to become great problem solvers."
Melinda Wyant Jansen,
VP Programs & Chief Academic Officer
Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Milwaukee

Expanded Learning with ST Math

For the students who have been most impacted by interrupted instruction, rather than emphasizing missed skills, ST Math removes the barriers that prevent students from accessing grade-level content.

ST Math’s visual puzzles and game-based approach allows all students to build foundational grade level skills as well as improved self-beliefs in mathematics.

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